The HyTechCycling project celebrates its first workshop in Brussels

Coordinated by the Aragon Hydrogen Foundation, it intends to anticipate the deployment of FCH technologies by addressing their recycling and valorization from the technical and regulatory point of view. The HyTechCycling project, coordinated by the Foundation for the Development of New Hydrogen Technologies in Aragon, which is based at Walqa Technology Park, recently held its [...]

2018-01-15T15:27:45+01:0015,01,18|Categories: Press notes|


CENTERED IN THE RECYCLING AND REUSE OF HYDROGEN TECHNOLOGIES, THE HYTECHCYLING PROJECT INVOLVES COMPANIES AND RESEARCH CENTERS IN VARIOUS COUNTRIES   The first annual meeting of the HyTechCycling project was held on 30 May at the University of Ljubljana (Slovenia). All the participants of the project, coordinated by the Aragon Hydrogen Foundation, were able to [...]

HYTECHCYCLING presence in the Symposium of the Spanish Network of Life Cycle Assessment

The third edition of the Symposium of the Spanish Network of Life Cycle Assessment took place on 4th November 2016, at School of Agricultural Engineering and Environment, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain. Several studies related to Life Cycle Inventory and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) tools and applications were shown during the event. IMDEA Energía, partner [...]

2017-12-03T11:48:12+01:0011,11,16|Categories: Press notes|

European project HYTECHCYCLING launched at the Aragon Hydrogen Foundation facilities in Huesca (Spain)

Focused on the recycling and reuse of hydrogen technologies, the HYTECHCYCLING project involves several companies and research centers in Italy, Slovenia and Spain. This project, coordinated by the Foundation for the Development of New Hydrogen Technologies in Aragon, is willing to in-deep study an almost unexplored field with huge potential: the recycling and reuse [...]

2017-12-03T11:48:12+01:0008,05,16|Categories: Press notes|
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