HyTechCycling 2nd Workshop

  When? 20th of March, 9:30-13:30 (registration starts at 9:00). Schedule attached in this mail. Where? Institute IMDEA Energy, Parque Tecnológico de Móstoles, Avda. Ramón de la Sagra, 3. 28935 Móstoles Madrid How to reach the facilities?   http://www.energy.imdea.org/location   HyTechCycling’s project has covered its first 18th months and in order to celebrate it, the [...]

2018-03-02T12:18:53+01:0002,03,18|Categories: Events|

First HytechCycling Workshop

FCH end-of-life 26th of September, 9:30-13:30 at FCH JU, White Atrium building, Common Meeting Room 1, Avenue de la Toison d’Or 56-60, 1060 Brussels, Belgium The aim of this workshop is to inform participants of the HyTechCycling project's findings up to now and to present the first results of questionnaires that have been spread among [...]

2017-12-03T11:48:12+01:0022,09,17|Categories: Events|


CENTERED IN THE RECYCLING AND REUSE OF HYDROGEN TECHNOLOGIES, THE HYTECHCYLING PROJECT INVOLVES COMPANIES AND RESEARCH CENTERS IN VARIOUS COUNTRIES   The first annual meeting of the HyTechCycling project was held on 30 May at the University of Ljubljana (Slovenia). All the participants of the project, coordinated by the Aragon Hydrogen Foundation, were able to [...]

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